Thank you, it's all love.

Thank you all for your love, your purchases, your feedback and your constant support of Okaigo. We truly appreciate you as a customer and a member of this movement of positivity, art, culture, fashion and inspiration. We hope to continue to be great and motivational in all that we do, and create new opportunities for the youth to grow and develop their ideas and dreams. As we grow the company and our community we will keep in mind the hard work and dedication that it takes for us to get to this point, we will continue live in humbleness, gratefulness and greatness.

I am very proud of what I have been able to accomplish thus far but I am also very excited to share what's to come. This has been a dream of mines for so long, I finally can say that I am living it and can see this inspiring so many people that came form where I was mentally and environmentally. Back in 2007 this was just a thought, an idea with no real vision of what it could be. I made several attempts to launch the brand but I was faced with many adversities and distraction along the way. I did not believe in myself back then and assumed that I was not worthy of the titles that came with actually succeeding at my goals. Over time I have developed self confidence and have built many amazing relationships that has supported my purpose in life. Nothing has been easy, but I am very grateful for every mistake, all my bad decisions and all my failed relationships as well. We are who we are because of our these things that happened to us, so my mindset is to be resilient and always focus on the bigger picture.

I could not have done any of thus without you guys, and I love you all for the love and support that I have been receiving. Thank you again, please continue to show love to each other and chase your dreams.

Follow me on instagram as I share my journey in building this brand and others @sakstrend (founder and CEO of Okaigo Clothing Company, LLC) 

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